Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome New Bloggers!

Welcome New Bloggers!

As part of our re-launch, Town Square Politics is welcoming two new bloggers: Jared Brekken and Tom Plewe. You can read their author biographies on our About page. They will be posting each Wednesday, with Jared this week and Tom appearing next week. Meanwhile, Jacob will be back this Friday and Clinton will return next week.… Continue Reading

Relaunch Announcement

Relaunch Announcement

After a holidays break (and we hope you all had nice holidays), we’re getting ready to relaunch The Town Square at the end of this month. We’ll be adding some authors and moving to a more traditional format. Each author will publish regularly (usually every other week) on topics of their choice, so you can… Continue Reading

Next Topic: Voter ID

Next Topic: Voter ID

With Election Day rapidly approaching, I think it is time we tackle one of the crucial issues of the day: Voter ID laws. Are they civil rights violation or a common sense protection for voting integrity? A partisan power grab? A racist power grab? Politics as usual? A good idea poorly executed? A necessary but… Continue Reading

A look at the Citizenry

A look at the Citizenry

Every other week we will be taking a more in-depth look at some of the issues raised in our articles.  This next week we will be discussing the citizenry of America, the backbone of our democratic republic.  Are they the innocent victims of a diverging information supply and top down partyism, or are they the… Continue Reading

What’s Your Big Deal?

What’s Your Big Deal?

If you had a popular platform from which to launch a national discussion, what topic would you choose for the nation to address? What makes it so crucial? Why do you think it has been either overlooked or under-addressed? If you could also pressure Congress to actually act, what are the changes you would encourage them to make?… Continue Reading

Header image by Tom Plewe © 2015

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