Take Down the Confederate Monuments

Take Down the Confederate Monuments

The events of Charlottesville have me thinking about my role as an historian and teacher. This was reinforced by these comments by James Alex Fields Jr.’s high school history teacher. I don’t think any one teacher can be responsible for the ideas of a single student.…

The Democratic Split

The Democratic Split

An old division is rearing it’s head again in the Democratic Party. It’s gone public in the disruption of Bernie Sanders’s speeches by #blacklivesmatter protesters, first at Netroots Nation in July and then again in Seattle on Saturday (see here).…

On Lincoln and Our Second Founding

On Lincoln and Our Second Founding

In honor the 4th of July weekend, I’m sharing this post I wrote last year at this time:


I recently had the opportunity to sing “American the Beautiful.” The lines that most hit me are in the third verse:

Oh, beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!

Relaunch Announcement

Relaunch Announcement

After a holidays break (and we hope you all had nice holidays), we’re getting ready to relaunch The Town Square at the end of this month. We’ll be adding some authors and moving to a more traditional format. Each author will publish regularly (usually every other week) on topics of their choice, so you can expect a regular flow of original content.…

Voter ID Follow Up

Voter ID Follow Up

This week we will be staying on the topic of voter ID laws and offering our rebuttals to both Jason and Jacob’s responses. It seems clear that we all view this topic differently and it should make for an interesting continuation of the topic.…

Lies and Knows It Lies

Lies and Knows It Lies

The right of each citizen to vote is the basis of democracy. It is the foundational right by which all others are ultimately preserved. As such, it must be accorded the highest priority; all other concerns must be secondary. This includes attempts to “increase voter confidence” and other claims in favor of recent voter ID laws.…

I know my Rights!

I know my Rights!

Rights are one of my favorite conversations. But let’s try something different today – rather than start at the end (minority discrimination, etc.) let’s start at the beginning.


All Americans have the Right to bear arms. That’s the same “R” word as we are discussing in regards to voting, correct?…

Next Topic: Voter ID

Next Topic: Voter ID

With Election Day rapidly approaching, I think it is time we tackle one of the crucial issues of the day: Voter ID laws.

Are they civil rights violation or a common sense protection for voting integrity? A partisan power grab? A racist power grab?…

Why Democracy?

Why Democracy?

“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
“We the people of the United States … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
“…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”…

Header image by Tom Plewe © 2015

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