Take Down the Confederate Monuments

Take Down the Confederate Monuments

The events of Charlottesville have me thinking about my role as an historian and teacher. This was reinforced by these comments by James Alex Fields Jr.’s high school history teacher. I don’t think any one teacher can be responsible for the ideas of a single student.…

The Democratic Split

The Democratic Split

An old division is rearing it’s head again in the Democratic Party. It’s gone public in the disruption of Bernie Sanders’s speeches by #blacklivesmatter protesters, first at Netroots Nation in July and then again in Seattle on Saturday (see here).…

On Lincoln and Our Second Founding

On Lincoln and Our Second Founding

In honor the 4th of July weekend, I’m sharing this post I wrote last year at this time:


I recently had the opportunity to sing “American the Beautiful.” The lines that most hit me are in the third verse:

Oh, beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!

The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home

I want to first start out by wishing readers a Happy New Year. I hope your 2015 will be a happy and healthy one. I also would like to thank Jason for his initial post on the 2016 Presidential potentials; this will segue nicely into my topic: The length of campaign seasons.…

Lessons for 2016 from Mitt Romney

Lessons for 2016 from Mitt Romney

I was very disappointed when Mitt Romney officially announced last week that he would not, on third thought, run for president in 2016. My own disappointment, however, was different from that of most others in my same demographic (white Mormon males): I never wanted Romney to actually be president.…

Paying for the free lunch

Paying for the free lunch

The greedy rich continue to force middle America to its knees; Fatcats get rich while middle America goes bankrupt; insert misleading hyperbolic statement here.


This is a topic I’ve wanted to write about for some time, but it’s seemingly never a top story.…

After Fallows, what?

After Fallows, what?

Several weeks ago James Fallows headlined The Atlantic with a piece entitled The Tragedy of the American Military.  In the wide-ranging article he touched on how the military has become above reproach, how so few shoulder the burden of service, and how hollow and meaningless the ‘thank you’ gestures are that many show to servicemembers. …

Welcome New Bloggers!

Welcome New Bloggers!

As part of our re-launch, Town Square Politics is welcoming two new bloggers: Jared Brekken and Tom Plewe. You can read their author biographies on our About page. They will be posting each Wednesday, with Jared this week and Tom appearing next week.…

On Police and Deadly Force

On Police and Deadly Force

Non-hypothetical: You clear ice from your driveway, then decide to see if you can earn some cash offering the services in your neighborhood. Someone calls you in as a suspicious person and a few minutes after the cops show up, you’re dead.…

The Presidential Race – January Edition

The Presidential Race – January Edition

With the 2016 presidential election in full-swing, I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on where we stand and where we might be a year from now.

Right now, candidates are engaged in the “invisible primary,” a period in which they court donors, fundraisers, activist, party leaders, and anyone else with more influence than your average primary-voter or caucus-goer.…

Header image by Tom Plewe © 2015

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