Tag Archives: Foreign Policy

A Follow-up on Wood, ISIS, and the GOP

A Follow-up on Wood, ISIS, and the GOP

Here is what happened in the two weeks since I wrote on the GOP response to ISIS. Counting on Our Foolishness – A follow-up by Wood himself discussed the feedback he’s already received on his first piece.  A quick and decent read, even if filled with frustrating academic back-and-forth about terminology and rankings, that struck… Continue Reading

A Real Foreign Policy Chance

A Real Foreign Policy Chance

Graeme Wood recently headlined the March issue of The Atlantic with his piece What ISIS Really Wants.  It’s a broad reaching and disturbing look at the underpinnings of their organization, their goals, and ultimately what likely is the best course of action for the United States in containing and ultimately defeating ISIS.  What’s troubling, besides… Continue Reading

Does nobody else know how to drive?

Does nobody else know how to drive?

Last week, the Obama administration decided to engage the threat of ISIS(or ISIL) in Syria. For all intents and purposes, it’s safe to say we are going to war in Syria even if the administration won’t. The big debate surrounding the decision, which is filled with memories of a not-to-distant war-filled past, is whether or… Continue Reading

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