Tag Archives: Party

Thank Goodness for Partisanship!

Thank Goodness for Partisanship!

I was watching State of Affairs the other night (I know, I know, it’s ridiculous) and noticed a positive element of partisanship (party loyalty and separation) that’s worth pointing out.* What caught my attention tonight was a secret meeting between a high-level staffer and a leader in the opposition party. In that meeting, the leader… Continue Reading

Partyism Top to Bottom

Partyism Top to Bottom

The argument that partyism has surpassed racism is pretty week.* But I do believe “partyism” is a possible problem, one with experienced by the masses and largely caused by elite behavior. For the masses, partyism keeps us from talking about specifics in ways that might promote understanding and compromise. If our go-to position regarding those… Continue Reading

Has political bias become a big problem?

Has political bias become a big problem?

The topic this week deals with a fast growing trend in America. “Partyism”. A recent article was penned by Cass Sunstein in Bloomberg View about a study by two political scientists out of Stanford University which found that political bias has grown so much that it has overtaken racial bias in the country. In a… Continue Reading

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