Tag Archives: Obama

McCain’s “Oopsie Daisy” Moment

McCain’s “Oopsie Daisy” Moment

I am going to keep this week’s post shorter than my last dissertation. This week’s fallout, OK, ONE of this week’s fallouts has been the “Cotton” letter. The letter, written by freshman Senator Tom Cotton (R- AR) and signed by 47 Senate Republicans stating that whatever agreement the Iranians might reach with the US in… Continue Reading

Our Racial History Marches On

Our Racial History Marches On

The more I teach and think about our history, the more I teach and think about race. It is really inescapable, as highlighted by three events this past week (in reverse order): President Obama’s masterful speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday (video, text). The Justice Department’s scathing report on race in the Ferguson criminal justice… Continue Reading

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