Tag Archives: Constitution

A New Voting Rights Amendment

A New Voting Rights Amendment

The long effort to roll back voting access (previously here and here), Obama’s recent speech at Selma, and now Oregon’s step toward automatic voter registration has again called my attention to our voting rights. So here’s my contribution: a draft constitutional amendment on voting. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are… Continue Reading

Liberty of Contract

Liberty of Contract

As a follow-up to my last week’s post, I want to write about a particular idea of freedom from U.S. history: Liberty of Contract. It’s an example of how complicated the basic idea of “freedom” really is. Liberty of Contract is the idea that no outside entities should interfere with contractual agreements between individuals, especially between employers… Continue Reading

Democracy and the Anti-Democratic

Democracy and the Anti-Democratic

My argument against additional qualifications for citizens to vote boils down to these two core beliefs: (1) Democracy is the only legitimate basis for governing authority and therefore (2) all those governed should have a say in their government – most basically, a vote, Jacob has suggested that the outcomes – what people decide to… Continue Reading

Lies and Knows It Lies

Lies and Knows It Lies

The right of each citizen to vote is the basis of democracy. It is the foundational right by which all others are ultimately preserved. As such, it must be accorded the highest priority; all other concerns must be secondary. This includes attempts to “increase voter confidence” and other claims in favor of recent voter ID… Continue Reading

Why Democracy?

Why Democracy?

“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” “We the people of the United States … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” “…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” The through-line connecting… Continue Reading

No on Campaign Finance Amendment

No on Campaign Finance Amendment

If I voted my conscience on the campaign finance amendment – not always the best option for a U.S. Senator – I would have joined the Republicans in voting no. Here’s why: My position on campaign finance regulation has shifted significantly over the last few years. I used to be a classic supporter of contribution… Continue Reading

No on Campaign Finance Amendment

No on Campaign Finance Amendment

Recently, the Senate voted on a proposed constitutional amendment S.J.Res.19 that would have dealt with the controversial issue of campaign finance regulations and rules. Sen. Mark Udall (D) of New Mexico submitted the proposal on June 18th entitled “S.J. Res.19.” The proposal was an attempt to curtail the effects of both soft and hard money in… Continue Reading

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